The Multi-Platform final project's objective was to produce a minimum of three pages on a responsive website that showcased a clear design system. We had to use WIX Editor to see what a designer could do with a universal tool and to test our skills with something new. The primary objectives of this final work were to understand copywriting, hierarchy, and typography. We could create a website on any topic we wanted. My choice was to create a website for a hospital for children. I chose this theme to challenge myself with the cooperative, quiet, and calmness associated with hospitals.
After reading the project sheet, I was interested in finding out how I might use my prior understanding of a one-page layout to create a fully functional, scrolling website. My objective was to take all that WIX offered, modify it to match my design system, and create something entirely new. One of my objectives was to understand the significance of having a website that is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. Everything is available on a phone, so I knew I needed to make an effective website that would work on multiple devices.
wireframe development

The first step for this project was looking over all the free blank templates WIX had to offer and deciding on the type of website. From this step, I decided to create a children’s hospital. Following the research, tight wireframes had to be completed showing how our three pages will operate, what the pages will be, and where the elements may go. In my first tight wireframe critique, I did not realize I had only drawn out one page and needed to create two more pages. 
After the first critique, I started designing my website in WIX using a free blank template and changing everything about the provided elements. Since I had already got into WIX creating the revised wireframes was easier because I knew what was offered and how much of it I could change. With the final wireframes completed, I started working more on WIX. 
WIX page builds
All images were from WIX editor. I made minor brightness and cropping changes to the images
comfy emoji from a previous class and the colors incorporated in the WIX editor
I wanted my website to contain both serious information and playful visuals because it was about sick children and the struggles their families may face. The color palette consisted of light and dark blue with touches of various pink tones. I selected these colors based on an icon I had previously used in a different class. Since all that families desire is more time to spend cuddling their child, I chose to use the "hugging" emoji that I previously made for this website's logo. In addition to being calming, blue gives visitors the impression that they are not being yelled at when they browse the website. I also went with all lowercase for the headlines because of the comfortable effect. 
final home page design
I introduced some of the team members with their broad smiles and gave a little history of the hospital on the welcome page. The audience would not perceive the hospital as an unpleasant place and would instead feel a connection to the staff. After completing the welcome page, I realized I needed a donation page. The pages of other children's hospitals inspired me and gave me hope. 
WIX sections and how I changed them for my donation page
To let people know that any amount of money, no matter how big or small, I built quotes from families who have benefited from donations. I included a volunteer section after the powerful quotes so that people could do more than simply donate money to support children in need.  
St. Gianna
The events page was the last page I worked on. I wanted more time to choose which events to display, so I put this one until last. While creating the donation page, I decided to name my hospital after St. Gianna; however, for the events page, I wanted to learn more about this remarkable woman. After doing some research on St. Gianna, I discovered that she has a feast day coming up. It seemed appropriate to have the hospital hold an event honoring the woman after whom they were named. 
hover effect on the events page and quotes from past participants
In addition to researching less commonly recognized children's hospitals, I took suggestions from classmates and included the butterfly release and prayer circle events. I intended the pictures to have rounded corners to match the peaceful colors and convey to the audience that this place is not serious and that we have the children's best interests in mind. 
final work
one way to navigate the website
link to website
knowledge gained
While working on this project, I became aware of the importance and versatility of type. All I previously knew was page design and poster sizing. Being restricted to a new program was challenging as well, but it taught me to keep going and click until I got the desired outcome. With a few clicks, I was able to change the website's appearance and make it fit my vision. WIX's tight restrictions made me reevaluate my own design choices and showed me how to adjust for clients I may not know about.


